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World Wandering Lens was established in September 2019. Having a keen eye for photography for over 10 years, this website sets out to showcase the photography from personal adventures both globally and locally. 


Being fortunate enough to have travelled and seen the spectacular wonders of the world, World Wandering Lens was created to share how beautiful such destinations can really be. My mission is to share these images, and to create vivid imprints in the mind of my followers, emotionally changing people's perspective and wellbeing through imagery. The photography in this website sets out to echo the everlasting impression of these destinations and experiences. I hope that these images leave my followers with a burning desire to have their own worldly adventures.



Photographer of World Wandering Lens
"My Life is shaped by the urgent need to wander and observe my camera is my passport I capture moments to show others the beauty of life"
Lucy Poulaki 
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